How to add image to an excerpt

I was recently asked how one might place an image in  a WordPress excerpt.   An excerpt being the initial text that is shown on the front page of a Wordpres blog.   Not the whole article.   After doing a tad bit of digging and thinking I would be editing the WordPress theme directly. Instead,  It appears that there is a plugin that may do the trick.  It is called “Get the Image”.  It has great ratings it seems.    I have installed and activated it.  Looks like I may need to review some documentation.

Reviewing this post several months later (09-04-2012), it appears that the plugin amy have worked. My WordPress dashboard now displays a nice little section below the post area labeled “Excerpt”. I can plugin an image, and a tad bit of text and it is displayed in place of the typical snippet of text for a post.

I've started designing websites while at University of Houston during my first Photoshop 3.1 experience in 1996 on a Macintosh computer. I built my own computers (Windows PCs) with the help of a friend and have been digitally involved ever since. I am both Windows and PC literate but gravitate toward OSX. I've gradually gotten back to my roots as a tactile artist / designer by working more with traditional mediums like drawing, painting, and mixed media.

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